Canadian Track and Field League
The Canadian Track and Field League is the world's first track and field league of its kind. Founded in 2022, the CTFL has garnered international attention for its league structure. Heading into its third season, the league will be composed of 280 athletes seperated equally onto 4 teams and competing across 10 disciplines.
Keep track of your favorite teams and athletes as they progress through the 6 meet season. Both teams and individual athletes will accumulate points during their season to win individual and team accolades.
Monitor the standings with all core athletes ranked within the top three of each event and top six utility athletes winning cash prizes based on their total season total points. With a projected $26,000 in prizes, the CTFL rewards the best athletes in the country.

2024 CTFL Season Schedule
May 18, 2024: Montreal Prelim - Saint-Laurent Select Soirée #1
May 26, 2024: London Prelim - Bob Vigars Classic
June 4, 2024: Guelph Prelim - Royal City Inferno
June 12, 2024: Ottawa Prelim - Ottawa Lions Twilight #2
June 16, 2024: Calgary Prelim - CALTAF Classic
July 6, 2024: CTFL Finals - Terry Fox Athletic Facility, Ottawa