CTFL season begins with Calgary and Montreal meets
The second season of the Canadian Track and Field League (CTFL) began with a meet hosted by the University of Calgary Athletics Club, May 13-14 and a meet in Montreal hosted by Saint-Laurent Select on May 20th. These were the first 2 of what will be six meets this summer ending with the CTFL Championship in Ottawa on August 5th. The first two meets were highlighted by 100-meter, 200-meter and 400-meter sprints as well as Sprint hurdles for both men and women. Other events such as long distance 800 and 1500 meter runs as well as long jump and shot...
How to Solve Track and Field's Largest Problems, Inspired by USATF
USATF’s Burning of $3.8 Million Following this weeks USATF 2021 financial statement release and the outcry from athletes and fans alike within social media after finding out that USATF CEO Max Siegel made $3.8 million leaving many top athletes underfunded, I figured it’d be a good time to speak up. With all this going on as well as it being just about a month away from our official 1-year anniversary as a league, I wanted tell everyone how the CTFL operates and how the league plans on helping the sport. USATF Financial Statement 2021 First off, the CTFL is a...
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- 100m hurdles
- 1500m
- 3000m steeplechase
- 5000m
- alec purnell
- Alex Telford
- athletics
- calgary prelim
- canada athletics
- canadian track and field
- canadian track and field league
- Carleton Ravens
- CTFL Final
- erin teschuk
- Grace Streek
- Guelph Inferno
- Guelph Prelim
- mariam abdul rashid
- montreal prelim
- new balance
- Ottawa Prelim
- prelim recap
- Quinn Coughlin
- Quinn Lyness
- Racing
- royal city athletics club
- sprint hurdles
- Timeo Atonfo
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- track and field
- track canada
- track workout
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